Abandonment Prevention Project

20 patrons save a life

What is the Abandonment Prevention Project?

The Abandonment Prevention Project is more than just a dog training service; it's a mission-driven community dedicated to creating a positive impact on the lives of both dogs with and without human companions. Our primary goal is to provide high-quality dog training services to the public while channeling all profits toward the rehabilitation and training of abandoned dogs, facilitating their quicker rehoming. 

The Abandonment Prevention Project is dedicated to preventing the abandonment of dogs by providing accessible and high-quality dog training services. Through our online and in-person training programs. We aim to create well-behaved and happy dogs.


Services Offered:

  1. Online Dog Training Courses:

    • The Abandonment Prevention Project offers a comprehensive suite of online dog training courses, accessible to dog owners worldwide. These courses are designed to create companion-level dogs, and skilled dog owners (handlers), as well as address common behavioral issues.
    • The online platform includes video tutorials, interactive modules, and live Q&A workshops with experienced Abandonment Prevention trainers to ensure a personalized and effective learning experience.
  2. In-Person Training Workshops:

    • For local communities, The Abandonment Prevention Project conducts comprehensive in-person training workshops, going into detail about specific aspects of training & handler skills.
    • Trainers focus on proven techniques, socialization, and addressing specific behavioral concerns to create well-mannered and confident dogs.
  3. Private Training Sessions: For local owners dedicated to learning canine handling skills, we provide one-on-one training sessions. This allows our trainers to address individual behavior issues or reach more advanced heights than you thought possible.

  4. Behavioral Consultations: Understanding that some dogs may have behavioral challenges, our experienced behaviorists conduct consultations to assess and address issues such as aggression, anxiety, and fear. We work closely with pet parents to develop effective strategies for long-term behavior modification.


Benefits of Enrolling in The Abandonment Prevention Project:

  1. Support a Worthy Cause:  Every purchase goes toward training abandoned dogs, making a tangible impact on their lives.

  2. Professional Guidance:  Participants benefit from the expertise of skilled dog trainers who utilize modern training methods. Whether learning online or attending in-person workshops, dog owners receive personalized guidance to reach their potential.

  3. Community Engagement:  Enrolling in The Abandonment Prevention Project creates a sense of community among dog owners who share a common goal of responsible pet ownership. Online forums and local events facilitate networking, knowledge-sharing, and support.

  4. Regular Updates on Impact:  Participants receive regular updates on the impact of their contributions. This may include success stories of abandoned dogs finding new homes, insights into the training programs funded, and the overall progress of The Abandonment Prevention Project.


By enrolling in The Abandonment Prevention Project, dog owners not only invest in the well-being of their pets but also actively contribute to the welfare of abandoned dogs. Creating a community-driven solution to a pressing issue.